Whales play a key part in helping to combat climate change through their role in the marine ecosystem. They play a vital role in the health of the oceans where they help provide up to 50% of our oxygen, combat climate change and sustain fish stocks.
The way that whales feed, defecate, migrate, and dive between the surface and the ocean depths (known as the ‘whale pump’), circulates essential nutrients throughout the ocean. This in turn supports healthy marine ecosystems and the growth of phytoplankton, which locks in a massive amount of carbon from the atmosphere.
By their sheer scale, large whales lock in huge amounts of carbon, however researchers estimate that this has been reduced by approximately nine million tons by commercial whaling. Indeed, the mass slaughter of whales in the 19th and 20th centuries may well have accelerated the effects of climate change, by both increasing the release of carbon into the atmosphere and diminishing the role whales play in locking it back in the oceans.
Put simply, we need more whales in the ocean to help combat the impact of climate change. The more whales there are, the healthier the oceans will be and the less carbon dioxide there will be in the atmosphere.
Source: Whales.org
Straight from Vineyard Wind 1 FEIS Appendix A Table A.8.1-1 that provides clarification on the lack of impact offshore wind has on climate change:
”Overall, it is anticipated that there would be no collective impact on global warming as a result of offshore wind projects, including the Proposed Action alone, though they may beneficially contribute to a broader combination of actions to reduce future impacts from climate change.”
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